Save The Lakes was founded as the only statewide organization dedicated to the preservation and protection of Rhode Island’s lakes, ponds and fresh water resources. We provide a forum for education, discussion and action on lake-related issues; we advocate for better fresh water management policies at the local, state and federal levels. Save The Lakes (STL) is managed entirely by volunteers and is a 501(c)3 qualified non-profit organization. We are supported almost exclusively through membership dues and donations, which are fully tax deductible. Members are encouraged to join one of STL’s committees to become actively engaged in critical issues and interesting challenges, while gaining valuable information on lake and watershed issues (and even have some fun!) Save The Lakes members receive information on current and critical lake issues through email communications, access to environmental agency personnel at forums and workshops, and opportunities to network with other members at events. If you are a permanent or part-time lake area residents, recreational lake user, lake area or lake dependent business, we encourage you to join STL and support our efforts for YOUR lake’s sake!
Freshwater needs our help! Save The Lakes (STL) is aggressively working to build statewide awareness as our lakes continue to be threatened with aquatic invasive species (AIS). The goal is to acquire State financial support for all lakes and a person dedicated to freshwater issues. Please keep yourself informed and let us know if you have any questions or want to get involved.
STL working with local lake associations to seek funds to purchase boat cleaning stations to reduce the spread of invasive species. See here to learn more.
Got photos of a concern you have for your local lake or pond? (Weed-filled cove, debris laden storm water outflow, etc.) Share them with STL so we can focus attention on finding solutions. Click here to send photo files.