Invasives (“weeds” & more)

Sources for information about Aquatic Invasive Species




Additional Resources for Information on Aquatic Invasive Plants
URI Watershed Watch
Aquatic Invasive Species
RI Dept of Environmental Management
Center for Aquatic and Invasive and Invasive Plants
University of Florida Extension
Citizen’s Manual for Developing Integrated Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan
Washington State Department of Ecology
Education and Outreach Materials
RI Coastal Resources Management Council
Identification and Management of Aquatic Invasive Species
Katie DeGoosh & Christine Dudley
Herbicide Information
Eagle Lake Property Owner’s Association
Learning about Aquatic Invasive Species
URI Watershed Watch
Maine Citizens’ Guide to Invasive Aquatic Plant Management
Lake Stewards of Maine
(formerly Maine VLMP)
National Invasive Species Information Center – RI
USDA National Agriculture Library
Pre/Post Treatment Plant Surveys  Eagle Lake Property Owner’s Association
Rhode Island Invasive Species Portal 
RI Natural History Survey
Rhode Island Aquatic Invasive Species Management Plan
RI Coastal Resources Management Council
Stop Aquatic Invasives Species Sign
(Plastic signs available from RIDEM for your access point!)
RI Dept of Environmental Management
Why Aquatic Herbicides Affect Aquatic Plants and Not You!
Prof. Carole A Lembi, Purdue University
Lake Management Planning
North American Lake Management Society