Sources for information about Aquatic Invasive Species
Title |
Contributor/Source |
Resource |
Additional Resources for Information on Aquatic Invasive Plants |
URI Watershed Watch
Aquatic Invasive Species |
RI Dept of Environmental Management
Center for Aquatic and Invasive and Invasive Plants |
University of Florida Extension
Citizen’s Manual for Developing Integrated Aquatic Vegetation Management Plan |
Washington State Department of Ecology
Education and Outreach Materials |
RI Coastal Resources Management Council
Identification and Management of Aquatic Invasive Species |
Katie DeGoosh & Christine Dudley |
Herbicide Information |
Eagle Lake Property Owner’s Association
Learning about Aquatic Invasive Species |
URI Watershed Watch
Maine Citizens’ Guide to Invasive Aquatic Plant Management |
Lake Stewards of Maine
(formerly Maine VLMP) |
National Invasive Species Information Center – RI |
USDA National Agriculture Library
Pre/Post Treatment Plant Surveys | Eagle Lake Property Owner’s Association | |
Rhode Island Invasive Species Portal |
RI Natural History Survey
Rhode Island Aquatic Invasive Species Management Plan |
RI Coastal Resources Management Council
Stop Aquatic Invasives Species Sign (Plastic signs available from RIDEM for your access point!) |
RI Dept of Environmental Management
Why Aquatic Herbicides Affect Aquatic Plants and Not You! |
Prof. Carole A Lembi, Purdue University
Lake Management Planning |
North American Lake Management Society