Want to learn more about aquatic invasive species spread prevention?

Our friends and colleagues with the Northeast Aquatic Plant Management Society (NEAPMS) are hosting a webinar to share information about Watercraft Inspection Steward Programs on February 10th from 1:30-3:00 PM. Presentations will include:
  • New Jersey’s Boat Steward Program, Heather Desko, NJ Water Supply Authority
  • Boater Behavior Survey, Tim Campbell, Wisconsin Sea Grant
  • Great Lakes AIS Landing Blitz, Ceci Weibert, Great Lakes ANS Panel
That will be followed by a session on February 22nd from 2-4 PM on  How to track boater movement: An example from New York by John Marino of the New York Natural Heritage Program.
These are FREE sessions. Please share the attached pdf with interested folks. To register, go to https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/259543438138486030 
 Once you register for the webinar you will receive an email from “Watershed Management” with a link to join the webinar. Please save that information to your e-calendar for the dates/times of the webinars. The same join link will work for both sessions.
Please contact Amy Smagula (Amy.P.Smagula@des.nh.gov) with questions about these webinars.
Know someone else who should be aware of these great webinars? Why not share the brochure with them? Download it by clicking HERE!

Letter from the president

Dear Concerned Citizens,

Save The Lakes, Inc. is a growing organization with the primary purpose of addressing the needs of all fresh water bodies in Rhode Island. While we may be the Ocean State, we all NEED fresh water to live. It’s a natural resource that can’t be neglected and can’t be replaced once it’s gone. Fresh water is critical for all life today and for the future of our children and grandchildren. We must not take it for granted!

Many of our daily activities affect our local lakes, ponds and streams, and usually we aren’t even aware of it. Polluted runoff from roads, lack of maintenance of dams, movement of invasive plants and unwanted animal species, trash and litter, septic drainage directly or indirectly seeping into groundwater, the use of excess lawn fertilizers and phosphates, compost runoff, filling of shoreline, clearing of shoreline vegetation, and so much more.. There is much work to be done to protect and restore these critical local gems!

Save The Lakes is a resource for possible solutions. We are a diverse group of concerned citizens working together to address the issues impacting our fresh water bodies. Save the Lakes plans and presents educational programs in various areas in Rhode Island addressing invasive species in the lakes and ponds, how to set up a boat inspection station at the boat ramps to educate boaters about the importance of not transporting invasive species from one lake to another, sustainable shoreline gardening, and more.

Please join with us! Many hands and fresh ideas are needed to improve, preserve, and protect our fresh water now and for the future. Become a member of Save The Lakes!

Judy Colaluca,  President and Co-founder